RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of computer storage whose contents can be accessed in a fixed time not considering the location of the data in memory. This is in contrast to sequential memory devices, such as magnetic tapes, disks and drums, in which the mechanical movement of storage media to force the computer to access data sequentially. First became known in the 60's. Only when the semiconductor memory has not been popular because the price is very expensive. It was more common to use magnetic main memory. Semiconductor companies such as Intel debuted with RAM, more precisely the type of DRAM. Usually RAM can be written and read, as opposed to the ROM (read-only-memory), RAM is usually used for primary storage (main memory) in computers to use and modify the information actively, although some tools use some kind of RAM to provide secondary storage period -long.
RAM is the name given to the integrated sircuit which serves as part of the software and the data store. RAM serves to menyiman temporary data, meaning that the RAM allows the reader and write operations but would be lost if the CPU power is turned off. RAM structure is divided into 4 parts:
1. Input Storage, used to accommodate the input is entered through the input.
2. Storage Program, is used for storing all instruction programs that will be accessed.
3. Working Storage, used to store data to be processed and the results of processing.
4. Output Storage, used to hold the end result of processing the data to be displayed to the output device.
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