Sometimes a very large file size if it does not do much except eat compressed disk capacity. By setting the appropriate 7-Zip can compress files very well.

7-zip is a family archive in order to make smaller files (compressed file) of the original so that it takes up a lot of disk. 7-Zip can be obtained free of charge from

Furthermore, if we want to compress the file, then we have to determine the level of compression, trick is:

Options consist of (Store), (Fast), until (Ultra) .Store will make a archiev not in Compress only wrapped into one package only. If you want to compress the smallest results (High Compress) then you have to choose (Ultra) but the time required to compress the file will be long so if you do not hurry, just select this option Ultra.

The next option is a method of compression (compression method) .To Zip format compression option consists of (Deflate), (Deflate64), (Bzip2) ... Of the three options (Deflate64) gives the best compression results.

Tips and Tricks so this post may be useful and apologize if there is a mistake in my post,,, please comment. . .

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